SAP Calculations
SAP calculations are a vitally important part of building a domestic property, with building regulations demanding higher and higher standards for thermal performance, having a good SAP assessor rather than just any SAP assessor has become essential.
What are SAP calculations
SAP or Standard Assessment Procedure Calculations are the method of proving that a property complies with part L of the building regulations for CO2 emissions and thermal performance. The building is assessed on heating, lighting and hot water and the building elements which affect them.
These calculations are first carried out at the planning stage with as designed calculations and a predicted EPC for marketing off plan. When the building is nearing completion, the calculations are run again, including any changes which have been made and once the building has passed the EPC is then lodged.
To get a pass, the calculated building emissions must be lower than a notional building of the same type which has been calculated by the software. The fabric of the building, meaning the walls, roofs, floors etc is included in the efficiency calculations, but must also pass the fabric efficiency.
Why Choose LJT Surveying
You will spend far more on making sure your property complies with part L than you will on a SAP assessment, so it is important to make sure you choose a good SAP assessor, not just a the cheapest one.
We offer not only competitive prices and quick turnaround times, but sound knowledge and experience.
When completing SAP calculations the more specific we can be the better the result, every time we assume anything there is always a cost to the rating, so our focus is always on making sure that the calculations are not only correct, but show the property in the best possible light, saving you time and money on unnecessary improvements.
Just Email or call for a quote: info@ljtsurveying.co.uk / 01425 837728 / 07875 218760